G2 Datasets

Explore G2 market trends to refine your software selection and purchasing strategies

  • 600K+ records available
  • Full dataset refresh every month
  • Free G2 data samples for download
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G2 dataset sample

The G2 software products and reviews dataset offer a detailed and thorough overview of leading software companies. The dataset includes all major data points.


Available business datasets

Access fresh validated G2 datasets. Ensure hassle-free data access by using ready-made scrapers.

  • Demo data in JSON/CSV
  • Fresh records
  • Customize, enrich, and format the data

LinkedIn people profiles

ID, Name, City, Country code, Position, About, Posts, Groups, and more.

LinkedIn company information

ID, Name, Country code, Locations, Followers, Employees in linkedin, About, Specialties, and more.

Crunchbase companies information

Name, URL, ID, Cb rank, Region, About, Industries, Operating status, and more.

Linkedin job listings information

URL, Job posting id, Job title, Company name, Company id, Job location, Job summary, Applay link, and more.

Google Maps businesses

Name, Category, Address, Description, Open Website, Phone Number, Open hours, Open hours updated, and more.

B2B Contacts and Companies' Data - 3rd party dataset

URL, Linkedin url per, Full name per, Job title per, Company name org, Cellphone per, Direct phone per, Email address per, and more.

Employees business enriched dataset

URL, Profile url, Avatar, Profile name, Certifications, Profile location, Profile connections, Profile country code, and more.

Indeed job listings information

Jobid, Company name, Date posted parsed, Job title, Description text, Benefits, Qualifications, Job type, and more.

Glassdoor companies overview information

ID, Company, Ratings overall, Details size, Details founded, Details type, Country code, Company type, and more.

Companies information enriched dataset

URL, ID lc, Name lc, Country code lc, Locations lc, Followers lc, Employees in linkedin lc, About lc, and more.

Glassdoor job listings information

URL, Company url overview, Company name, Company rating, Job title, Job location, Job overview, Company headquarters, and more.

Yelp businesses overview

Business id, Yelp biz id, Name, Updates from business, Overall rating, Reviews count, Is claimed, Categories, and more.

LinkedIn profiles Jobs Listings

URL, Linkedin id, Name, About, Position, Optional jobs, Country code, Experience, and more.

Zoominfo companies information

URL, ID, Name, Description, Revenue, Revenue currency, Stock symbol, Website, and more.

Google maps reviews

URL, Place id, Place name, Country, Address, Review id, Reviewer name, Reviews by reviewer, and more.

Glassdoor companies reviews

Overview id, Review id, Review url, Rating date, Pros, Cons, Count helpful, Count unhelpful, and more.

G2 software product overview

URL, Product name, Rating, Description, Product url, Seller, Ownership, Seller website, and more.

pitchbook companies information

URL, ID, Company name, Company socials, Year founded, Status, Employees, Latest deal type, and more.

G2 software - product reviews

Review id, Author id, Author, Position, Company size, Stars, Date, Title, and more.

Yelp businesses reviews

Business id, Review auther, Rating, Date, Content, Review image, Reactions, Replies, and more.

Indeed companies info

Name, Description, URL, Work happiness, Jobs categories, Website, Industry, Company size, and more.

Trustpilot business reviews

Company name, Review id, Review date, Review rating, Review title, Review content, Is verified review, Review date of experience, and more.

Owler companies information

CompanyID, Ownership, IndustrySectors, Revenue, Founded, CompanyName, Country, EmployeeCount, and more.

Slintel 6sense company information

Name, About, Num employees, Type, Industries, Techstack arr, Country code, Website, and more.

Xing social network

Account id, FamilyName, Gender, Membership, Country code, Experience, Education, Languages, and more.

Manta businesses

Company name, Business state, Sic code, Phone number, Website, Business categories, Business city, Business country, and more.

VentureRadar company information

URL, Location, Name, Country code, Ownership, Score, Auto analyst score, Website popularity, and more.

Trustradius product reviews

URL, Product id, Product name, Review id, Review url, Review title, Review rating, Review date, and more.

Pitchbook People Profiles

URL, ID, Name, Biography, Primary position, Commpany, Company url, Education, and more.

Datasets Pricing

Refresh rate
Complete Dataset
  • Clean and validated
  • Refreshed monthly
  • JSON/CSV/Parquet

G2 datasets tailored to your needs

Get easy to use, well-structured datasets for any use case

Data subscription

Subscribe to access datasets at a significantly reduced cost.

File output formats

JSON, NDJSON, JSON Lines, CSV, Parquet. Optional .gz compression.

Flexible delivery

Snowflake, Amazon S3 bucket, Google Cloud, Azure, and SFTP.

Scalable data

Scale without worrying about infra, proxy servers, or blocks.

Cost savings

Customize any dataset using filters and formatting options.

Code maintenance

Datasets are maintained based on website structure changes.

Simplified integrations

Benefit from integrations with Snowflake and AWS.

24/7 support

A dedicated team of data professionals is here to help.

Leaders in compliance

Data is ethically obtained and compliant with all privacy laws.

Get structured and reliable G2 data

We’ll provide the data while you focus on the rest

High-volume web data

With our unblocking capabilities and round-the-clock IP rotation we ensure access to all data points on a website.

Data for immediate use

Every aspect of the data collection process is thoroughly validated as part of our robust data validation process.

Automated data flow

Create custom schedules to automate data delivery and watch the data flow seamlessly into your storage.

How companies use G2 datasets

Competitive Analysis

Utilize the G2 dataset to analyze competitors’ products, customer reviews, and market positioning, enabling you to identify market gaps and adjust your product offerings effectively.
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Competitive Analysis

Customer Insight

Leverage customer feedback and ratings from the G2 dataset to gain deep insights into user satisfaction, preferences, and pain points, helping you tailor your marketing and development strategies to better meet customer needs.
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Customer Insight

Trend Identification

Use the G2 dataset to track emerging trends within the software industry, allowing you to anticipate market shifts and align your product development with upcoming demands.
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Trend Identification

G2 Dataset FAQs

The G2 dataset includes all major data points: URL, product name, rating, description, product URL, seller, ownership, seller website, total revenue, and more. Subsets are available by categories and specific data points.

Yes, you can get updates to your G2 dataset on a daily, weekly, monthly, or custom basis.

Yes, you can purchase a G2 subset that will include only the data points you need. By purchasing a subset, cost is reduced substantially.

Dataset formats are JSON, NDJSON, JSON Lines, CSV, or Parquet. Optionally, files can be compressed to .gz.

If you don’t want to purchase a dataset, you can start scraping G2 data using our G2 Scraper API.

Yes, you can request sample data to evaluate the quality and relevance of the information provided. This is a great way to ensure it meets your needs before committing to a full dataset.

Yes, you can request specific data points from the G2 dataset tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you receive precisely the information you require for your projects.

Absolutely, the G2 dataset offers seamless API integration, allowing you to effortlessly integrate the data into your CRM, analytics tools, or any other systems you use, streamlining your operations.

Get your G2 dataset today.